Mortar suspending agent is a kind of material between thickener and reinforcing agent, mainly used to improve the viscosity and relaxation of mortar, making it easier to construct. Specifically, the main role of mortar suspension agent is as follows:

1. Enhance the waterproof performance. Mortar suspending agent can improve the degree of compactness and water resistance of mortar, preventing the mortar from absorbing water and becoming soft under water or humid environment, resulting in wall leakage.

2. Improve the anti-cracking property of mortar. During construction, the mortar suspension agent can make the mortar better bonded, preventing the mortar from cracking, blistering and other phenomena.

3. Improve the bonding force of mortar. Mortar suspending agent can increase the friction between mortar and base, improve the adhesion of mortar, make it stronger and safer.

4. Improve the fluidity of mortar. Mortar suspending agent can increase the viscosity of mortar, improve its fluidity, so that the construction is smoother and more convenient.

Second, the use of mortar suspension agent method

1. pour the dry mortar powder into water, mix well and then add mortar suspending agent, mix until no granular material.

2, according to the normal construction process. The amount of mortar suspending agent is usually 5%-10% of the amount of mortar powder. 3.

3. Be careful in the process of using, avoid mixing the mortar suspending agent and water directly, otherwise it will affect the performance of the mortar.

4. Pay attention to the preservation of mortar suspending agent. Once opened, it should be sealed and stored in a dry, cool place to avoid long-term exposure to the air resulting in a reduction of its performance.

In conclusion, mortar suspending agent is a commonly used construction material, which helps to ensure the quality of construction by increasing the waterproofing and anti-cracking properties of mortar and improving the bonding force and fluidity. In the process of use, it is necessary to master the correct method of use and preservation in order to achieve good construction results.

Cement mortar stabilizer has a wide range of applications, mainly used in the following construction projects:

1.Pavement Repair

Cement mortar stabilizer can enhance the durability and plasticity of the pavement and prevent the pavement from cracking and spalling. When repairing the pavement, adding cement mortar stabilizer can make the pavement more durable.

2.Parking lot

Cement mortar stabilizers can also be used in the construction and maintenance of parking lots. Adding cement mortar stabilizers can enhance the plasticity and durability of parking lot floors and protect the safety of vehicles and pedestrians.

3. Bridges

Cement mortar stabilizers are also commonly used in the construction and maintenance of bridges. Adding cement mortar stabilizers can enhance the load-bearing capacity and durability of bridges, improve their service life, and reduce the frequency of maintenance and repair.