S7000 is an innovative liquid nano-seed early strength agent, whose core component is based on hydrated calcium silicate. This product is specially developed for the early strength development needs of concrete and mortar products, aiming to significantly improve the early strength of products within 48 hours by accelerating the hydration process of cement.

Core features:

Nano-seed technology: S7000 adopts advanced nano-seed technology, which can be evenly distributed in concrete and mortar to form tiny active points, effectively promoting the contact and reaction between cement particles and water.

Calcium silicate hydrate base: Based on calcium silicate hydrate, S7000 provides a chemical structure similar to cement hydration products, thereby enhancing compatibility and reactivity with cement.

Promote early hydration: This early strength agent can significantly accelerate the early hydration process of cement, reduce the setting time, and enable concrete and mortar to achieve higher strength in a shorter time.

Improve early strength: By accelerating the hydration reaction, S7000 can effectively improve the early strength of concrete and mortar products within 48 hours, thereby meeting the requirements for early strength of emergency projects or winter construction.

Good construction performance: S7000 is in liquid form and is easy to mix with concrete and mortar, without causing additional difficulty in construction operations. At the same time, it also has good stability and can maintain its performance under different environmental conditions.

Environmentally friendly and safe: The product meets environmental protection requirements, does not contain harmful substances, and is safe and harmless to the human body and the environment. During use, no harmful gases or waste will be generated.

Product features:

As a high-performance liquid nano-seed early strength agent, S7000 shows a unique and significant effect in cement slurry. Its core feature is that its nano-seeds can accurately and efficiently affect the cement hydration process, thus bringing a series of advantages.

Nano-seeds accelerate the growth of hydrated calcium silicate crystals:
The nano-seeds of S7000 can diffuse and act quickly in cement slurry to accelerate the growth of hydrated calcium silicate (C-S-H) crystals. These tiny crystals are a key component of cement hardening. Their rapid growth means that the hardening process of cement is accelerated, thereby improving the early strength of concrete.

Inducing cement hydration to form C-S-H gel:
In addition to accelerating crystal growth, S7000’s nano-seeds can also induce cement hydration reaction to form more C-S-H gel. C-S-H gel is the main product of cement hydration reaction, which has a vital impact on the strength, durability and stability of concrete. By increasing the amount of C-S-H gel generated, S7000 can significantly improve the overall performance of concrete.

Increasing the hydration reaction rate:
In the cement hydration process, the hydration reaction rate is one of the key factors. S7000, through the action of its nano-seeds, can significantly increase the hydration reaction rate, so that the concrete can reach a higher strength in a shorter time. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage for projects that require rapid hardening.

Promoting cement hardening under low temperature and thermal curing:
Whether in low temperature environment or thermal curing conditions, S7000 can effectively promote the hardening process of cement. In low temperature environment, the hydration reaction rate of cement will slow down, but the nano-seed of S7000 can break this limitation and maintain a high hardening speed; under thermal curing conditions, S7000 can further accelerate the hardening process of cement and improve the early strength of concrete.

No side effects, the final strength is not affected:
Compared with traditional early strength agents, S7000 has a significant advantage – it will not have side effects on the final strength of cement mortar and concrete. Although some traditional early strength agents can improve the early strength of concrete, they may have an adverse effect on the final strength. While accelerating early hardening, S7000 ensures that the final strength of concrete is not affected, and may even be improved. This makes S7000 have a wide range of application prospects in various projects that need to ensure the final strength of concrete.