CP-1000 is a melamine type water reducer. Let’s first introduce melamine.

Overview of Melamine

Melamine, commonly known as melamine and protein essence, has a molecular formula of C₃H₆N₆, and is named “1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine” by IUPAC. It is a triazine nitrogen-containing heterocyclic organic compound, usually used as a chemical raw material.

Advantages of Melamine Water Reducer

High efficiency water reduction: Melamine water reducer is a water-soluble anionic high polymer dielectric with strong adsorption and dispersion effects on cement. This water reducer can significantly increase the water reduction rate of concrete and reduce the water-cement ratio, thereby improving the fluidity and working performance of concrete.

Non-air-entraining type: Melamine water reducer is non-air-entraining type, which means that it does not introduce additional air bubbles into concrete, thus avoiding the impact of air bubbles on the strength and durability of concrete.

Low chloride ion content: This water reducer has no rusting effect on steel bars because it contains a low chloride ion content. This helps protect the steel bars in concrete from corrosion and damage.

Good adaptability: Melamine water reducer has good adaptability with various cements and can be used under different cement types and construction conditions.

Improve concrete performance: After using melamine water reducer, the early strength and impermeability of concrete are significantly increased, the workability and water retention are better, and the steam curing adaptability is good. This helps to improve the overall performance and durability of concrete.

Caractéristiques du produit

1. Performance Characteristics

Rapid plasticization: CP1000, as a high-efficiency water reducer, can give mortar a rapid plasticization effect. Its unique molecular structure and mechanism of action enable the mortar to achieve good fluidity in a short time, thereby improving construction efficiency.

High fluidization effect: CP1000 achieves a high fluidization effect of the mortar by optimizing the microstructure of the mortar and reducing the friction between particles. This allows the mortar to flow easily during mixing and construction, reducing the difficulty of construction and improving the construction quality.

Low air entrainment: CP1000 is a non-air entraining water reducer that does not introduce additional bubbles into the mortar. This helps maintain the density and strength of the mortar and avoids the degradation of concrete performance caused by bubbles.

2. Compatibility

CP1000 has good compatibility with different cements, gypsum cementitious materials and other additives such as defoamers, thickeners, retarders, expansion agents, and hardening accelerators.

Compatibility with cement and gypsum cementitious materials: CP1000 can be used with various types of cement and gypsum cementitious materials, including Portland cement, calcium aluminum cement and calcium sulfate. This wide compatibility enables CP1000 to perform well in various mortar and concrete applications.

Compatibility with other additives: CP1000 also has good compatibility with additives such as defoamers, thickeners, retarders, expansion agents, and hardening accelerators. These additives can play their respective roles in mortar and concrete, such as improving construction performance, increasing strength, and extending setting time. The addition of CP1000 will not have a negative impact on the performance of these additives, but will work synergistically with them to jointly improve the overall performance of mortar and concrete.

We have introduced several water reducers to you before, but the above water reducers are all polycarboxylic acid type. This CP1000 is a melamine type, comparable to BASF F15, and is more suitable for gypsum-based products with appearance requirements.